Legal address:
603157, Russia, Nizhniy Novgorod, 102 Berezovskaya St., office 194
+7 (831) 241-22-86 +7 (831) 241-26-01

Address of production:
606131, Russia, Pavlov district, Nizhniy Novgorod Region, village Tumbotino, 15 Zhukov St.

Healthcare Exhibition 2011 (Russia)

Our company, NPP Volga Medical Ltd., participated in the 21st International Healthcare Exhibition 2011 held on December 5-7 at Expocentre, Moscow Central Exhibition Complex. At our booth we presented a range of our products, our new developments and offerings.

The exhibiting companies were from 23 Russian regions, as well as Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, etc.

The exhibition presented the latest innovative technologies, equipment, services, medicinal products and the latest achievements of domestic and foreign medicine. Thank you for visiting our booth!

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